The Value of Just Listening

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I am not good enough. Why would anyone listen to me?”

These self-doubts are more common than you might think. If we are to love our neighbors as ourselves, we must first be able to open up and hear our inner voice.

My journey began when I decided to listen to myself for the first time. It was daunting, like being in a boxing ring with Muhammad Ali. Facing myself in silence, I encountered harsh self-criticism: “You’re not good enough, you’re too dark, you’re too fat. Who are you anyway? You’re a fake…an imposter. It’s just a matter of time before people find out!” These thoughts, ignored for so long, were the cause of my undiagnosed body aches and persistent inflammation.

Active listening has become a lost art in a world filled with social media validation, political tension, and economic uncertainty.

Listening involves more than just our ears; it involves our mind, heart, and soul. How often do we give that much to someone else?

How often do we give that to ourselves?

I could only sit silently for about 60 seconds before getting up and becoming busier than ever to silence the monologue in my head. At night, the same conversation resurfaced, robbing me of sleep. Finally, I recognized that I had to confront these thoughts.

Cathy Mott Tips

As an Emotional Intelligence Coach, I learned to coach clients based on their thoughts, emotions, and body language. I decided to apply the same approach to myself. The next time I sat in silence, I asked, “What are you thinking? What are you feeling emotionally? What are you physically feeling?” I listened without judgment and discovered the value of listening.

I found my peace.

If you are experiencing internal conflict, I invite you to use these tools to hold space for yourself and explore “The Value of Just Listening.”

You can do it. I believe in you.

I’m Cathy Mott, your Social & Emotional Intelligence Coach, educating readers on how to interact with their emotions – one at a time.

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