Buckle Up! Are You Riding the Political Emotional Rollercoaster?

Politics has a way of stirring up intense emotions that can feel overwhelming. Anger, frustration, disappointment, and fear are common reactions that I frequently encounter with my clients. These emotions don’t just reside in our minds; they manifest in our bodies, creating a surge of energy that often demands release. This release can lead to heated conversations, potentially damaging friendships, straining family ties, and even fracturing professional relationships. It’s as if many people meet the minimum height requirement to ride this political emotional rollercoaster, but they forget one crucial step: buckling up.

You might wonder, “What does it mean to buckle up?” Think about your last experience on a rollercoaster. You made sure you met the height requirement, but you didn’t just hop in the seat and go for the ride. You were intentional about securing your seatbelt, likely checking it multiple times before the ride began. You prepared yourself. However, when it comes to the political emotional rollercoaster, many jump right into conversations without thinking about the consequences or recognizing that they have a choice in how they respond to their emotions.

Instead of reacting impulsively, it’s essential to pause and consider your options. Many people engage in heated political debates, seeking answers and validation from others, unaware that the true answers and validation they seek lie within themselves. This experience is like the long, suspenseful climb up a rollercoaster—the clicking of the tracks represents our growing emotions, and that brief moment of silence at the top can be likened to the intentional journey within ourselves. It’s in this stillness that we can explore the real reasons why emotions like anger, fear, frustration, and disappointment arise so fiercely.

You’re not alone in feeling this way. Many of my clients express that they feel trapped on an emotional rollercoaster, unable to get off. They often come to me with anger and frustration, attributing these emotions to the political climate. My role is to create a safe space for them to delve deeper and uncover the true causes of their intense emotions. It’s time to put on your emotional seatbelt, and I’ll guide you through the process of getting off this tumultuous ride.

It all begins with the ability to name and tame your emotions. My mobile app, “My Journey Within,” is designed to help people do just that. My motto is, “If you can name it, you can tame it.”  Once you can identify your emotions, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of them, allowing each emotion to serve the purpose it was meant to.

Let’s explore together:

Anger often signals a violation of your core values. Think about the person who most influenced your personal growth and what they taught you. We all feel unsettled when values like honesty and trust are threatened by potential leaders. What is really causing your anger?

Frustration is a subset of anger and indicates dissatisfaction with your limited ability to resolve or change a situation.  What is it about the political climate that you cannot resolve or change?

Disappointment falls under the umbrella of sadness and represents some form of loss. I often ask my clients, “What do you feel you’ve lost due to the current political climate?” Many mention losing faith, hope, trust, and a sense of security—values closely tied to our very essence.

Fear: The most prevalent emotion I coach clients on, fear arises from the perception of impending danger, whether real or imagined. It’s no surprise that fear is so common on the Political Emotional Rollercoaster. What are you afraid of?

Understanding these emotions allows you to respond intentionally rather than react impulsively, helping you navigate the political landscape with greater emotional intelligence.


Coach Cathy’s Tips:

Name your emotions to tame them.

Reflect on your core values and how they relate to your emotional responses.

Take a moment to pause and consider your options before reacting.

Use tools like the “My Journey Within” app that I developed to help you understand and manage your emotions. (available on Apple & Google play store).

I’m Cathy Mott, your social and emotional intelligence coach, here to help you navigate your emotions, one at a time.

View the article: https://michiganchronicle.com/buckle-up-are-you-riding-the-political-



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